Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cafayate rental

Behind the wooden doors that line the streets of Cafayate are homes & surprisingly large gardens. I suspect Cafayateños grow most of their own fruit & vegetables.

Since Monday we have been renting a house in El Centro, 1 1/2 blocks from the plaza. The house consists of a series of rooms opening off a courtyard.

the kitchen is up the step & to the left

grape arbor, bedroom beyond, the bathroom is the far door on the right

Beyond the kitchen is the door to the huge garden -- grape vines, fruit trees, vegetables, cactuses, flowers.


fig tree


corn for humitas

the green door at the back of the garden

leads into another huge garden, look at those tomato plants

unidentified undulant cactus

a cactus with opuntia-like fruits

Yes, the garden is the perfect place to drink our morning coffee.

To everyone who has so thoughtfully asked after Mike, I'm happy to say he's back to normal,. He's watching & listening to a flock of loros (parrots) flying past. He's also discovered that el gallo (rooster) we hear every morning lives in the next yard. I intend to plant at our house a jade tree like the one next to him.