Thursday, June 23, 2011

Toilets at The Same Time Watering

Eddie Gandelman create a urinary channel that accommodates and human urine to plants.

Animal biological wastes, such as feces and urine, actually has a beneficial mineral content. Not surprisingly, both are used for fertilizer plant fertilizer.

There are also scientists who advise us to drink our first urine in the morning. He says, minerals can make the body alive and healthy.

Urine is beneficial. Eddie Gandelman agreed to it. That's why he created "When Nature Calls", ie the channel urinary human urine to plants.

Urine is a lot of phosphorus-containing substances that are beneficial to plants. Through the creation of urinary Gandelman, plants need not always be doused with water, because the urine has been providing mineral water and fertilizer for plants.

Urinary This is best used as public toilets. How it works consist of three steps, hold, filter, and distribute. The way this work has been approved by the professor of toxicology. The results of that process is a clean urine, non-toxic, and odorless, so it does not pollute the environment.

With this urinary, in the future, human biological waste is expected not merely useless, but can also be used so it is more beneficial to the natural environment around us.