Thursday, April 21, 2011

what it's like to build: screens

You need them. The flies & mosquitoes are annoying, & mosquitos can carry dengue fever. Paraguay is currently suffering from its most severe dengue fever epidemic in a decade.

fibra de vidrio = fiberglass
tela metálica o plástica que cubre las puertas y ventanas = metal or plastic screen that covers doors & windows
tela mosquitera = mosquito screen

Many Argentines don't use screening. Instead they use Raid, &/or they keep small pots inside the house in which they put fly poison in the morning & mosquito poison at night.

Other Argentines use aluminum screening, which is silver & comes in various hole sizes. The silver reflects the sunlight, which is annoying, so they sometimes spray paint the screening black. Our construction engineer swears that the paint does not fill the screen holes.

In our Googling, we found aluminum, galvanized, plastic, & fiberglass screening.

fiberglass screening

In particular, we found rolls of gray fiberglass screening, which is what we use in the United States. Apparently this fiberglass screening costs 40% less than aluminum screening. We will be using this, unless problems are discovered along the way, in which case I will update this post.

Update: our builder found the fiberglass screening to be inadequate, so we are going with aluminum screen that will be spraypainted black. Stay tuned to learn how this turns out.