Video games have become addictive because they can entertain someone, no exception for children. But the children who too often play the game would endanger the physical and psychological.
A study ever conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation on 2032 children with ages between 3 years to 12 years about how often kids are playing video games or computer games. It turned out that 73 percent found boys aged 8 years to 10 years on average an hour of game play per day and nearly 68 percent of children age 12 to 14 years of playing games for ages 17 and over.
As quoted from PsychiatricTime, Friday (16/10/2009), the reason for children to play games is like to try something new and to eliminate the stress of school assignments or due to a problem.
But too often bet the game will affect the personality of the child itself, because at the age
of 4 years to 17 years children tend to absorb and imitate everything he sees thus affecting the development of the body.
Especially at this time too many games played by children contain violence, the impact of this game
can mold a child into a rebel, great curiosity towards everything that is forbidden, and has a behavior that is sometimes difficult to accept the community.
One health problem Y is most common in children who like to play the game is a stooped posture or bent, this happens due to irregular seating position in front of the television or computer screen. Besides playing games every day with a long time can cause damage to the joints or skin irritation.
Other problems can also arise such as damage child's vision, this is because of playing too long with the distance of the eyes and the monitor is too close or it could be because the room is dark and the picture is changing rapidly.
And can cause a child to be obese due to lack of activity outside and just sit before the screen only. In addition to physical problems in children, playing games can also cause psychological problems, especially if the child who played violent games.
It could be kids imitating what he saw in real life, so do not be surprised if a lot of violence that occur in children of primary school. Violence in the game more dangerous, since children are involved in these interactions.
Heroes who commit violence in the game was never convicted and tend to be appreciated, so that it can be argued that child abuse is something that is true.
Scientific research proves that children often play violent games tend to be more aggressive.
A child may only play the game, as long as time is limited and the most important thing is the selection of games appropriate for children. And parents should be firm in determining the time playing the game for his son.